Ramp Implementation Milestones:

  1. Phase 1 — October:

    1. Tribe, Simi, SFV, SCLA: Full Websites
    2. Tribe, Simi, SFV, United, New Bury, Agoura, Hotshots, SCV: Registration modules completed and ready
    3. Town leadership planning and timing decisions for TeamSnap and Ramp usage
    4. Payment Gateway Applications/Activations
  2. Phase 2 — November:

    1. Town Leadership Support and Training on Registration
    2. Documentation and Support materials available on Slack and SCLA website
    3. Progress updates on Slack and SCLA website
    4. Resolution of all implementation issues
  3. Phase 3 — December:

    1. Assigners Training and Demonstrations
    2. Assigners/Officials Documentation and Support materials available on Slack and SCLA website
    3. Officials onboarding and introduction to Ramp
    4. Agoura/New Bury TeamSnap 2025 registration migrations current
    5. Hotshots/SCV Registration import template and instructions sent
    6. SCV registration migration current
    7. Ramp Onboarding Tracker available and visible to all towns
  4. Phase 4 — February:

    1. Registrations/Conversions:
      1. Agoura/Newbury transition to live Ramp registrations
      2. Hotshots/Mission registration migration started
      3. SCV/Agoura/Newbury remaining migration completed
      4. TeamSnap Registrations closed on January 31st
      5. TeamSnap data available through September 2025
    2. Officials:
      1. Officials Training webinar recorded and posted on website
      2. Officials complete logins and acknowledge review of educational and process documentation
    3. Coaches:
      1. Coaches & Volunteer Background Check Process published/emailed.

    Upcoming Ramp Implementation

    1. Phase 5 — February:
      1. Waivers/Player Transfers:
        1. Waiver/Player Transfer through Ramp process documentation
      2. Teams/Parents:
        1. Teams App: Introduction published on SCLA website.
        2. Teams App: Training webinar scheduled and recorded.
        3. Teams App: Follow-up Parent/Team Manager Support.
      3. Games Schedules
        1. Scheduling: Testing Ramp schedule automation (January)
        2. Scheduling: Final Jamboree/Regular/Nonleague Testing
        3. Scheduling: Final Jamboree/Regular & Non-League Completed.
      4. Coaches:
        1. Coaches: Registrations Completed all Towns
        2. Floater (AP) process documentation published on website
        3. Floater (AP) Training webinar recorded
      5. Scorekeepers:
        1. Scorekeeper/Timekeepers & Supervisor role documentation published.
        2. Scorekeepers - Town engagement level surveyed
        3. Scorekeepers/Timekeepers Training - Webinar recorded and posted on website
        4. Scorekeepers Complete Training/onboarding and acknowledge review of educational and process documentation.
      6. Game Day
        1. Workflow Walk through: Supervisors Role
        2. Technology Support Plan
        3. Phone Charging and Battery Plan