Ramp Implementation Milestones:
Phase 1 — October:
- Tribe, Simi, SFV, SCLA: Full Websites
- Tribe, Simi, SFV, United, New Bury, Agoura, Hotshots, SCV: Registration modules completed and ready
- Town leadership planning and timing decisions for TeamSnap and Ramp usage
- Payment Gateway Applications/Activations
Phase 2 — November:
- Town Leadership Support and Training on Registration
- Documentation and Support materials available on Slack and SCLA website
- Progress updates on Slack and SCLA website
- Resolution of all implementation issues
Phase 3 — December:
- Assigners Training and Demonstrations
- Assigners/Officials Documentation and Support materials available on Slack and SCLA website
- Officials onboarding and introduction to Ramp
- Agoura/New Bury TeamSnap 2025 registration migrations current
- Hotshots/SCV Registration import template and instructions sent
- SCV registration migration current
- Ramp Onboarding Tracker available and visible to all towns
Phase 4 — February:
- Registrations/Conversions:
- Agoura/Newbury transition to live Ramp registrations
- Hotshots/Mission registration migration started
- SCV/Agoura/Newbury remaining migration completed
- TeamSnap Registrations closed on January 31st
- TeamSnap data available through September 2025
- Officials:
- Officials Training webinar recorded and posted on website
- Officials complete logins and acknowledge review of educational and process documentation
- Coaches:
- Coaches & Volunteer Background Check Process published/emailed.
Upcoming Ramp Implementation
- Phase 5 — February:
- Waivers/Player Transfers:
- Waiver/Player Transfer through Ramp process documentation
- Teams/Parents:
- Teams App: Introduction published on SCLA website.
- Teams App: Training webinar scheduled and recorded.
- Teams App: Follow-up Parent/Team Manager Support.
- Games Schedules
- Scheduling: Testing Ramp schedule automation (January)
- Scheduling: Final Jamboree/Regular/Nonleague Testing
- Scheduling: Final Jamboree/Regular & Non-League Completed.
- Coaches:
- Coaches: Registrations Completed all Towns
- Floater (AP) process documentation published on website
- Floater (AP) Training webinar recorded
- Scorekeepers:
- Scorekeeper/Timekeepers & Supervisor role documentation published.
- Scorekeepers - Town engagement level surveyed
- Scorekeepers/Timekeepers Training - Webinar recorded and posted on website
- Scorekeepers Complete Training/onboarding and acknowledge review of educational and process documentation.
- Game Day
- Workflow Walk through: Supervisors Role
- Technology Support Plan
- Phone Charging and Battery Plan